Commissioned by Ekwadraat, a client, based in Northern Netherlands,  I worked in a team of content marketeers on the creation of a Pitch Book for a content marketing strategy, and an implementation plan. This plan involved the creation of multiple prototypes, such as a promotional video, and an interactive “case-study” map on the website of Ekwadraat.

Our creative concept, “Times are changing fast; let’s catch up together,” emphasized a narrative of togetherness and change, portraying Ekwadraat as a trusted and knowledgeable partner in sustainable energy transition.

The concept was designed to position Ekwadraat a top-of mind consultant, highlighting its ability to navigate and lead through the complexities of modern environmental challenges. It emphasizes the idea of being a helpful expert in a journey towards a sustainable future, showcasing Ekwadraat’s commitment to providing cutting-edge solutions and expert guidance.

Through a blend of compelling storytelling, insightful data, and engaging visuals, this concept aimed to communicate the urgency of adapting to change while illustrating Ekwadraat’s role as a catalyst for positive transformation.